Totally Bonn

According to my files, Christine Moos and I have been playing the Bonn ball since the year 2002 (with a hiatus from 2010 to 2013 when no ball was held in Bonn). The Bonn SCD group, “Skua Dubh”, is known to be very young and energetic and also “loopy” (as in, prone to spontaneous embellishment of a dance's choreography), and it seems they deserve an energetic tune!

This tune made its first appearance in a set for Peggy Hamilton's dance, The Green Dragon, at the 2006 Bonn ball, where it complemented the suggested tune, Muriel Johnstone's The Disappointment. Since then it has become a permanent fixture in Christine's and my repertoire, not just in Bonn.

T:Totally Bonn
C:Anselm Lingnau
%%copy: CC-BY-SA Lingnau, Anselm
D2|"G"G2BG "C"AGEF|"G"G (3BAG dGef|"Em"gage "G/D"dedB|"C"ABAG "D7"E2 DE|
   "G"G2BG "C"AGEF|"G"G (3BAG d2Bd|"C"eged "G"(3BAG "(Em)"BG|"C"AG"D7"EF "G"G2::
Bd|"Em"eBgB e2ef|(3gfe "D"fd "Em"e2ef|"Em"ge"D"fd "C"edeg|"G/B"edBG "B7"A2 Bd|
   "Em"eBgB e2ef|(3gfe "D"fd "C"e2Bd|"C"eged "G"(3BAG "(Em)"BG|"C"AG"D7"EF "G"G2:|